225 individual letters of opposition to council backed plans by the Homes and Communities Agency and South Essex College to DEMOLISH the Longwood Equestrian Centre as part of the plans to develop the Nethermayne Site were handed in to Basildon…
Another Day – Another Packed Meeting
Another day – another meeting packed with local residents opposed to the development of the Nethermayne site and the demolition of the Longwood Equestrian Centre. Over 100 angry supporters of the campaign mounted by GAG2011 and Longwood E.C. filled the…
Packed Meeting sees Nethermayne Site revealed
Some 100 or so local residents from Lee Chapel, Kingswood and other parts of Basildon packed into the community hall in The Knares on Sunday morning to hear members of GAG2011 explain the application currently before Basildon council to demolish Basildon…
The Application – “Illustrative Masterplan” – with notes
Massive Support from Longwood Riders
The campaign to preserve the Dry Street Pastures and Longwood Equestrian Centre received a massive boost at the weekend when dozens of concerned horse riders joined local Dry Street residents for a meeting at Dry Street Church. Those who attended…
Don’t Let Them Get Away With It…..Keep the Pressure Up
A Summer of Gold for Team GB at the Olympics and Paralympics…. Basildon Borough Council’s contribution to the Olympic Legacy ? Having closed Gloucester Park Swimming Pool and backing regeneration plans that will mean the closure of Pitsea Swimming Pool…
Will Nethermayne Site sell-off help fund Sporting Village ?
Faced with annual interest costs of £231,400 on its Sporting Village loan and (according to the Echo) a potential monthly electricity bill of £23,000, making over £500,000 per year in total, a council spokesman is quoted as saying the borrowing,…
GAG faces Scrutiny Committee
GAG presented its petition against the development of the Dry Street Pastures to Basildon Council’s Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee at the end of June, together with the reports compiled by Dr R.L. Cole. Dr Cole is a…
“Consultation” on Nethermayne Site (Dry Street Pastures)
Can we urge those who support the GAG campaign to oppose the desecration of the Dry Street Pastures to visit the “consultation” events to be held next week. They are on: Thursday 14 June 4 pm – 8 pm and Saturday…