
Market Place New Plan -Again!

The market place plan is out for consultation again. Yes, that is the one that was thrown out a couple of weeks ago. Well not very different anyway. It was suggested it would be a year before a revised plan was put forward but we have just 21 days from 19th March to comment on the new plan. How can a new adequate plan be drawn up in this time when so many people opposed it? It is important that you comment again as previous comments will not be counted. This will be the third feedback I have completed. Please do try to voice your objections. You can email [email protected], write to the planning department at St Martin’s Square or go on line at , click on Environment and Planning, then Planning Services then e-planning, then How to submit comments. The plan is number 14/00325/FULL

2 thoughts on “Market Place New Plan -Again!

  1. Pat Roberts

    Honestly, it just goes on and on! I will do this tomorrow. Please make the effort again folks as we cant let them think we don’t care.

  2. Monique Barbier

    Dear Pat, Thank you for your Phone Call. I will be going to the meeting tomorrow 22nd April at 7pm. Please let me have any further information you have, especially the venue. Thank you in advance.

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