On Thursday Basildon Council Cabinet members are meeting to approve a large sum of of money being used for compulsory purchase of those properties around the current market place which are not owned by the council as apparently they have legal rights to light and access and could take legal action which would impede the building of he new college. Why is public money going to be used to ‘buy off’ property owners when we are facing unprecedented cuts in council spending on valuable services? The supporting documents confirm that there is a significant financial risk.
It is not clear whether the meeting is open to the public as some items are apparently confidential. I will confirm via Twitter, Facebook and on the website.
Here is a link to the agenda on Basildon Council’s website http://www.basildonmeetings. info/mgAi.aspx?id=39394&LLL=0
We also have copies of the documents on our site:
- Public reports pack 08012015 1900 Cabinet
- Acquisition of land and rights – Basildon Town Centre enclosure 2
- Enclosure 1 for Acquisition of land and rights – Basildon Town Centre
- Enclosure 3 for Acquisition of land and rights – Basildon Town Centre
- Enclosure 4 for Acquisition of land and rights – Basildon Town Centre
- Basildon Town Centre Regeneration Projects – Relocation of South Essex College and Basildon Market